Jewish Coalition to End Human Trafficking

Today’s slavery flourishes precisely because slaves are kept invisible, without the ability to make their voices heard. As the voices of the Israelites were heard by a compassionate God insisting on justice and human dignity in the world, so must we hear and take action. -Rabbis for Human Rights


The Jewish Coalition to End Human Trafficking (JCEHT) was created to broaden the understanding in the Jewish community regarding the crime of human trafficking/modern-day slavery and to work toward its eradication. Our objectives are two-fold:

  • Partner with other interfaith and human rights groups, non-profits, government officials, and law enforcement agencies to raise awareness and take action.
  • Advocate for consistent and comprehensive anti-trafficking legislation that provides for strict criminal penalties for traffickers as well as for protection and rehabilitation for victims.

For more information, please contact Antonia Lavine, Chair of the Jewish Coalition to End Human Trafficking at or (415) 283-6760.

Learn about the member-organizations of JCEHT HERE

See more about JCEHT's work and events HERE.