


2020 NCJW Advocacy Mission in Sacramento

May 19-20, 2020


In May, representatives of our section participated in the national and California virtual lobby days of NCJW. We lobbied our state and U.S. representatives via phone and Zoom calls, and sent correspondence to their offices for legislation addressing the needs of families, women children and vulnerable groups of the population in times of economic and health crisis.

2019 NCJW Advocacy Mission in Sacramento

May 20-21, 2019

NCJW San Francisco met May 20 and 21 to lobby with NCJW advocates from across California for legislation addressing violence and human trafficking, child poverty and policies disproportionately harming the poor, inequality in the work place and quality child care accessibility. 

2019 NCJW Advocacy Mission in Washington, DC Washington Institute

April 9, 2019

The NCJW San Francisco delegation went to Capitol Hill to lobby for qualified and diverse judicial nominations, gun violence prevention, voting rights, and abortion access.

We met with the offices of Senator Dianne Feinstein, Senator Kamala Harris, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to express our views on these important issues.

2018 NCJW Advocacy Mission in Sacramento

April 25, 2018

This year, we had four priority asks of our legislators:

  • Ending childhood deep poverty among CalWORKs recipients (SB 982);

  • Providing lost income support for victims of human trafficking (AB 900);

  • Ending a money bail system that keeps poor people in jail regardless of the severity of their crime or their danger to the community (SB 10);

  • A broad-reaching bill aimed at reducing sexual harassment in the workplace (SB 1300).

2016 NCJW Advocacy Mission in Washington DC - Washington Institute

March 12-16, 2016

On March 15th, NCJW San Francisco delegation lobbied at Capitol Hill together with all NCJW California delegations, asking our representatives, Senator Barbara Boxer, Senator Dianne Feinstein and Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi to support legislation addressing reproductive and voting rights, homelessness and human trafficking.





We marched with over 300 National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW) members and supporters in a silent procession from the US Supreme Court to the US Capitol, delivering hundreds of pocket constitutions and signed notes to Senator Chuck Grassley, Chair of the Senate Judiciary; and asking senators to #DoYourJob and move forward with the process of filling the US Supreme Court vacancy in a fair and timely manner.



2016 NCJW Advocacy Mission in Sacramento

May 2-3, 2016

We lobbied for the following legislative agenda:  

  • Expanding early childcare and education

  • Repealing the CA Maximum Family Grant rule that denies aid to kids born while a family member is receiving aid.

  • Increasing protection for victims of trafficking and to support their recovery and reintegration.

See in the slideshow photos of our meetings with Assemblyman David Chiu; President of California Women Lawyers, Kelly Robbins; as well as NCJWSF Board Members and Executive Director. 

2015 NCJW Advocacy Mission in Sacramento

April 20-21, 2015

We lobbied for A Stronger California Advocates Network’s four pillars:

  • Ensure fair pay and job opportunities;

  • Expand access to affordable, quality early childhood care and education;

  • Support family-friendly workplaces; and

  • Build economic security by addressing poverty.

See in the slideshow photos from our meetings with Danielle Lenth, Senator Mark Leno's Legislative Assistant, Alfonzo Sanchez, Assemblymember Phil Ting's Principal Assistant, and Judson True, Assemblymember David Chiu's Chief of Staff. 

NCJW-SF Representatives Participated in the UN Commission on the Status of Women 59th NGO Forum in New York

NCJWSF’s Policy Chair, Robin Brasso, Board President, Antonia Lavine, Board Member, Nancy Kirshner-Rodriguez, and Next Generation Member, Stefana Morgan joined the team of local women activists participating in the UN Commission on the Status of Women 59th NGO Forum this year. The Forum takes place from March 8 (International Women’s Day) to March 20, 2015 in New York. It gathers representatives of government agencies and non-governmental organizations from all regions of the world to discuss gender equality, women empowerment, violence against women and other women issues.

This year, NCJW San Francisco Section co-sponsored one of the parallel events of the forum: "Combining Government, Civil Society, and the Tech Industry to Fight the Hidden Epidemic of Human Trafficking in San Francisco and Beyond", which was presented on March 11th at the Church Center of the United Nations in New York in collaboration with the San Francisco Department on the Status of Women (SFDOSW) and San Francisco Collaborative Against Human Trafficking (SFCAHT). 

At this event, Antonia Lavine, NCJWSF Board President and SFCAHT’s Coordinator spoke about the collaborative and multidisciplinary approach in combating human trafficking in San Francisco and the Bay Area. Other panelists in this event were: Nancy Kirshner-Rodriguez, President of the San Francisco Commission on the Status of Women and NCJW SF Board Member; Emily Murase, Executive Director of the San Francisco Department on the Status of Women; and Marnie Webb, Caravan Studios. The panel presentation was followed by workgroup sessions with the participants. 

Click HERE for a full program of the event. Download HERE the information about all events organized by the SF Department on the Status of Women at the UN CSW 59th NGO Forum.

2014 NCJW Advocacy Mission in Sacramento

April 29-30, 2014

We lobbied for high quality universal transitional kindergarten, immigrant health care access, and health and safety protection for children born into poverty. See in the slideshow photos from our meeting with Assembly Member Tom Ammiano.

2013 NCJW Advocacy Mission in Sacramento

May 6-7, 2013

We lobbied to improve access to abortions, and to prevent gun violence and human trafficking. See in the slideshow photos from our the NCJW Advocacy Team's meeting with Senator Darrell Steinberg and Senator Mark Leno.